Influence of re-disperse emulsion powder on performance of ceramic tile adhesive Conclusion Solid dispersion is able to release rapidly as an ameliorated technic. 可再分散乳胶粉对瓷砖胶性能的影响结论固体分散体有速释作用,可考虑用固体分散技术改进降酶灵胶囊的制备工艺。
The application of metal or ceramic filled epoxy adhesive, anaerobic adhesive and RTV silicone rubber in the assembly, maintain and repair of machinery and equipment is introduced. 介绍了金属(陶瓷)填充的环氧胶、厌氧胶、室温硫化硅橡胶等在机械设备制造、装配与维修中的应用,列举了大量成功应用实例。
The bonding strength of glass-infiltrated ceramic to dentine was also evaluated applying different kinds of adhesive in common clinical use. 本研究通过对比几种临床常用的粘接剂,对其各自的粘接效果进行了评价。
It is finally pointed out that the main wear mechanisms of the ceramic tool materials are still abrasive, adhesive, chemical reaction and dispersion wear. 指出陶瓷刀具材料切削磨损时的基本机理仍然是磨料磨损、粘结磨损、化学反应与扩散磨损。
Especially, the application of glass/ ceramic composite adhesive on the joining of β-Sialon ceramic was discussed. 并重点讨论了陶瓷/玻璃复合焊料在β-Sialon陶瓷连接中的应用。
After experiment and research for many years, a kind of diameter 600 mm. ceramic adhesive CBN grinding wheel has been produced and successful result gained by using the grinding wheel to rough grind cold quenched cast iron camshaft. 通过多年试验研究,已制造出直径D600mm陶瓷结合剂的CBN砂轮,采用该砂轮粗磨冷激铸铁凸轮轴获得成功。
Under dry friction condition, wear mechanism of ceramic are adhesive wear and abrasive wear. Abrasion loss of ceramic reduces with increasing of the sliding velocity and increases with increasing of the load. 在干摩擦条件下,陶瓷的磨损机理为粘着磨损与磨粒磨损;陶瓷的磨损量随着滑动速度的增加而降低,随着载荷的增加而增加。
Al2O3-3Y-TZP continuous ceramic fibers are successively prepared by sol-gel dry spinning technique. Polymer and surfactant are applied to improve the spinnability of the sol. The adhesive force between sol and spinneret decreases upon the addition of the surfactant, which also increases the yield of gel fibers. 适量高聚物的加入,进一步提高了电解制备水溶胶的可纺性,使用阳离子表面活性剂来降低胶体和喷丝板的粘附力,提高了纺丝工艺中凝胶纤维的产率。
The four ceramic coatings 'wear rates decrease firstly and then increase with the sliding distances ( test time), the main wear mechanisms are: adhesive wear and fracture. 同时实验表明:四种陶瓷涂层的磨损率都随摩擦时间(摩擦距离)的增大而呈先降低后增大的趋势,其主要的磨损机理为:粘着磨损、脆性断裂和磨粒磨损。